
Birds in West Hartford

Often times people will overlook birds as a common animal conflict. However, in Connecticut they can travel and settle in large numbers which can cause damage to homes, yards, etc.

Wildlife Control Services LLC has over 30 years of experience in helping Central Connecticut homes and business tackel these challenges. We specialize in the humane trapping, removal, and prevention of all types of wildlife.

What do birds eat? Bugs. Where do a wide variety of bugs live? Underground. If you get the right species of bird hungry for the right type of bug, they can leave a significant amount of damage in their wake. Below is a picture of a residence in West Hartford who saw some serious damage as a flock of crows hunted for underground grubs.

If you see an unusual amount of bird activity near your home or business, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Waiting til it’s too late can often result in damage to property. Call today!



Grey Squirrel Damage

Squirrels are a popular New England animal that can often times cause damage in or around your home. Whether it be wood, window sills, or wiring they can cause unsightly and harmful damage to all areas.

If you’re tired of dealing with those situations or want to learn more about how you can prevent those things from happening give us a call. We specialize in all sorts of different animal removals. We use years of experience and learning different types of tactics to be the most effective in our industry.

Pictured here is some damage to wiring done by local grey squirrels. If you are noticing damage around your home or know someone who does, give us a call today!



Squirrel Help in West Hartford

We were working in West Hartford, Connecticut this week and responded to a call from some baby squirrels that were found in an attic. It was a late litter, not even old enough to open their eyes (they are alive).

Squirrels will often times seek refuge in attics for the colder months of the year. If you are hearing some scratching or stirring north of your head, or want to learn how to keep your house free from intruders this winter, give us a call!

