
Exploring Connecticut's Most Active Summer Mammals

Skunks in a Connecticut park, representing the active summer mammal wildlife in the state.

Connecticut's summer season is a bustling time for mammals, as the warm weather brings them out of their shelters and into the spotlight. As advocates for responsible wildlife management, Wildlife Control Services LLC is excited to shed light on the most active summer mammals in our state. From playful climbers to speedy runners, this article will introduce you to some of the remarkable creatures that thrive during the summer months in Connecticut.

Eastern Gray Squirrels: Agile and Energetic Tree Dwellers

Eastern gray squirrels are a common sight in Connecticut's parks, woodlands, and neighborhoods. These agile mammals spend their summer days scurrying up and down trees, searching for nuts, seeds, and fruits. Known for their impressive leaping abilities and bushy tails, gray squirrels bring energy and entertainment to any outdoor setting.

White-tailed Deer: Graceful Grazers of Forests and Fields

Connecticut's forests and meadows come alive with the presence of white-tailed deer during the summer. These majestic mammals are known for their grace and beauty as they gracefully move through their habitats. While their diet primarily consists of leaves, grasses, and tender shoots, it's not uncommon to spot fawns playfully exploring their surroundings under the watchful eye of their mothers.

Raccoons: Clever Nighttime Foragers

Raccoons are highly adaptable mammals that thrive in both rural and urban environments. Although they are active year-round, summer nights bring them out in search of food. Their dexterous paws and curious nature make them skilled foragers, and they can often be seen exploring trash cans, gardens, and even attics. Their distinctive facial markings and nimble movements add a touch of intrigue to Connecticut's wildlife landscape.

Eastern Chipmunks: Energetic Gatherers

Eastern chipmunks are small, lively mammals that are busy throughout the summer season. These industrious creatures can be observed scurrying along the ground, collecting and storing food in their underground burrows. Their cheek pouches, used to transport food, are a distinctive feature. Chipmunks' playful behavior and high-pitched calls add charm to Connecticut's natural surroundings.

Coyotes: Stealthy Predators of the Night

Connecticut's coyote population is active year-round, but they become more visible during the summer months. These intelligent predators are adaptable and can be found in various habitats, from forests to suburban areas. Although they are typically nocturnal, sightings during daylight hours are not uncommon. Coyotes play an essential role in maintaining the balance of local ecosystems, primarily by controlling rodent populations.

Striped Skunks: Nocturnal Strollers

Striped skunks are fascinating creatures known for their distinct black-and-white fur and pungent odor. They are primarily nocturnal and become more active in the summer as they search for insects, small mammals, and plant matter. While their defensive mechanism of spraying a foul-smelling liquid is well-known, skunks prefer to avoid confrontation and would rather go about their business undisturbed.

Connecticut's summer months offer a glimpse into the vibrant world of mammals. From the playful antics of gray squirrels and chipmunks to the stealthy presence of raccoons, coyotes, and skunks, our state's wildlife is diverse and captivating. As responsible wildlife management advocates, Wildlife Control Services LLC encourages a harmonious coexistence between humans and these remarkable creatures. Let's appreciate the natural wonders of Connecticut's most active summer mammals while fostering respect and understanding for their habitats

Raccoon in the Office

Across the world people are being asked to work from their homes. It really is an unprecedented time when looking at how America is doing their jobs. For us, animals don’t seem to concerned about COVID-19 so we are still making sure we are at your service.

This raccoon however, did not get the “work from home” memo that was sent out. And unfortunately for this commercial business, this raccoon was one busy worker. This raccoon caused damage to just about every part of the office.

This is why prevention is important. Being reactive when it comes to animal control/prevention can cause far more issues that it should. We’re here to help!

If you own a commercial business in Connecticut and are experiencing some animal conflict or want to make sure you’re taking the right measures to prevent this from happening, give us a call today!


Baby Raccoon in Berlin

As you can probably tell raccoons are a very common call around this time of year. And with chimneys not exactly being put to use with all of the hot weather, they can make great* shelters for raccoons.

We we’re able to safely remove this raccoon from a residential chimney in Berlin, CT. We recommend not trying to get animals out of chimneys yourself. We have the proper equipment and experience to get the job done, and done safely.

If you are hearing scratching or rustling coming from your walls, ceiling, or chimneys, chances are you have a furry guest. Give Wildlife Control Services a call today to help resolve your challenge.


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Baby Raccoon in Hartford

Seems like everyone knows how much Raccoons love to dig through trash… Well this little guy found himself in the trash bins of all trash bins. He was stuck in a Hartford trash pit.

We were able to swing by and safely capture the small raccoon and safely transport him back to a more fitting area.

If you or someone you know consistently has Raccoons fiddling with their residential or commercial disposal - give us a call!

We have over 30 years in safe handling and removal of wildlife.


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Raccoons Caught in Simsbury

Just last week we were able to safely and effectively capture a family of raccoons. The tricky part was that the small group was lodged in a customer's chimney. This is actually pretty common in New England homes.

If you are hearing noises coming from your chimney, attic, or walls, there's a good chance it's wildlife. Wildlife Control Services LLC has been the leader in Central Connecticut for the effective removal of wildlife. Give us a call today and we'll resolve your animal conflict!


Raccoons in Farmington

One of Connecticut’s most common animal conflicts is with raccoons. With that, they are also one of our most common calls to both residential and commercial sites.

The good news is Raccoon behavior can be somewhat predictable, which makes their entry preventable. We offer a wide range of prevention techniques to keep these critters away from your home or business.

Here are a couple pictures of two baby raccoons we were able to capture and remove from a chimney in Farmington, CT. These can obviously prevent all types of issues and puts both the animals and homeowners in harm’s way.

If you hear scratches coming from places like your chimney or attic give us a call. We specialize in all types of animal control challenges such as prevention, trapping, and removal.

Call today!



Raccoon Removal

Finders…. hopefully not keepers! Especially if you call the pros. Raccoons love finding little areas to enter and hang out in your home or business. This guy is peaking up from under the floorboards in an attic.

A lot of the times you can’t see these animals but you can hear them creeping around in your walls. That is where we come in. If you see damage, hear scratching, or catch quick glimpses of these animals in or around your home give us a call today.

We specialize in the trapping, removal, and prevention of all different types of wildlife/animals.



Roof Service!

Animals don’t limit themselves to walking in through the front door, so neither do we! Raccoons, squirrels, opossums, and other creative critters are know for entering through chimneys, soffitts, vents, and other entry points.

Here, Shane is removing a trapped raccoon from a roof in South Windsor, CT.

We have the right equipment to access these entry ways so that you don’t have to. Not only is it something that we specialize in but it isn’t exactly safe for you to do yourself. Give the pros a call and let us do the climbing!

We specialize in the prevention, trapping, and removal of wildlife in Central Connecticut.

Give us a call:



Raccoon Damage


Raccoons are one of the more common animal control challenge that we solve. Often times we think of these animals rummaging through our garbage at the end of our driveways, and though it is a nuisance, they are not in our home.

However, that’s not always the case. Raccoons are regularly looking for areas to lounge and shelter and sometimes that means in your home. This is a picture of some damage we found at a residential property attic, in Somers CT. Once they enter your home they can cause all sorts of trouble.

Call us today if you’re experiencing challenges with raccoons or other animals causing damage in your home. We specialize in the trapping, removal, and prevention of wildlife.


Raccoon Removal in Hartford

We got a dumpster diver!

This little guy was trapped and removed from a NAES trash plant in Hartford, CT. This is no surprise, raccoons are quite the little scavengers and can be frequent visitors to your disposal areas.

Are you looking for raccoon trapping, and removal in the Greater Hartford Area? We have you covered. Give us a call at:


As mentioned we also do commercial jobs. If you or someone you know is running a business and experiencing conflict with wildlife, we are happy to help!


Raccoon Pick Up - Bloomfield

Raccoons are a popular call of ours. They are very clever and often will take advantage of human residence because of shelter and food supply.

We were able to get a hold of this guy and pull him away from the residence he had been staying in.

If you are experiencing raccoon conflicts and are wondering how to get rid of or prevent them, give us a call!
