
Owl in Southington - Part 2

Here are a few photos from the Owl we pulled from a chimney in Southington, Connecticut.

Animals can make themselves at home just about anywhere: attic, chimney, soffits, basements, decks and more. We are Central Connecticut’s best animal removal service!

We can help you safely remove wildlife and other animals:

  • Squirrels

  • Skunks

  • Bats

  • Owls

  • And more..

Give us a call today!

It's Bat Season!

Bat season is officially here! If you see these critters taking refuge in sheds, barns, or other places please give us a call!

There are many laws regarding the protection of bats, supplemented with them carrying disease. Let the professionals handle it!

Bird Control in Avon

We fielded a call from a residential property owner in Avon who requested animal control for birds. This little guy was a tough catch as he was stuck in a pre fab/chimney. We safely and humanely captured the bird and removed it from the premises.

Birds can be tricky.. leave it to the pros! If you or someone you know is dealing with wildlife challenges please give us a call!


Baby Raccoon in Berlin

As you can probably tell raccoons are a very common call around this time of year. And with chimneys not exactly being put to use with all of the hot weather, they can make great* shelters for raccoons.

We we’re able to safely remove this raccoon from a residential chimney in Berlin, CT. We recommend not trying to get animals out of chimneys yourself. We have the proper equipment and experience to get the job done, and done safely.

If you are hearing scratching or rustling coming from your walls, ceiling, or chimneys, chances are you have a furry guest. Give Wildlife Control Services a call today to help resolve your challenge.


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Baby Squirrels in Hartford

This week we were called to an apartment complex in Hartford, Connecticut to remove some baby squirrels. We found them nested up in a stairwell arch.

Wildlife Control Services successfully trapped and removed the small family of squirrels and successfully moved them.

If you own a home or business and are experiencing some animal conflicts, give us a call today.


Raccoons Caught in Simsbury

Just last week we were able to safely and effectively capture a family of raccoons. The tricky part was that the small group was lodged in a customer's chimney. This is actually pretty common in New England homes.

If you are hearing noises coming from your chimney, attic, or walls, there's a good chance it's wildlife. Wildlife Control Services LLC has been the leader in Central Connecticut for the effective removal of wildlife. Give us a call today and we'll resolve your animal conflict!


Flying Squirrels in Tolland

If you haven’t noticed them, trust us they’re out there now. Squirrels - our most popular call year in and year out. These little guys can cause a lot of damage to your property if not treated.

Whether it be gray squirrels, flying squirrels, or any other type of squirrel… they all have a nasty habit of finding small entry ways into homes and other buildings. At Wildlife Control Services we take pride in our ability to survey the situation and provide effective next steps. We have over 30 years of experience working with the Tolland County communities to resolve their animal conflicts.

Below is a picture of a small entryway into a chimney that a flying squirrel was able to access. We were able to trap and remove this flying squirrel from this Tolland residence. We also prevented future access by placing proper equipment to cap the chimney.

If you are hearing scratching or rustling in your walls, attic, basement or chimney, give us a call today!


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Birds in West Hartford

Often times people will overlook birds as a common animal conflict. However, in Connecticut they can travel and settle in large numbers which can cause damage to homes, yards, etc.

Wildlife Control Services LLC has over 30 years of experience in helping Central Connecticut homes and business tackel these challenges. We specialize in the humane trapping, removal, and prevention of all types of wildlife.

What do birds eat? Bugs. Where do a wide variety of bugs live? Underground. If you get the right species of bird hungry for the right type of bug, they can leave a significant amount of damage in their wake. Below is a picture of a residence in West Hartford who saw some serious damage as a flock of crows hunted for underground grubs.

If you see an unusual amount of bird activity near your home or business, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Waiting til it’s too late can often result in damage to property. Call today!



Flying Squirrels in Canton

Another one of the more common calls when the weather starts to get warmer is flying squirrels. Flying squirrels are a common trespasser in northern Connecticut.

Often times residents discover these little guys because of scratching, rustling, scampering noises coming above their heads. Flying squirrels love to take refuge in attics.

Here’s the problem - they don’t exactly come in through the front door. They will find cracks or soffits in your roof to squeeze through…. and those are high, very high.

So let the pros take care of it! We will find the splits and cracks these squirrels are fitting through and position the right tools. Wildlife Control Services has years of experiencing scaling the highest of roofs to ensure that your flying squirrels are trapped and removed.

Give us a call today!


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Flying Sq. Shane So. glastonbury 12-11 (6).JPG

Snake Removal in Glastonbury

One of the most “urgent” calls we get usually involve snakes. As one of the leaders among people in the being scared of… category snakes can cause a lot of fuss.

Whether it be a pet snake that finds its way out of their enclosure, a garter snake that has found some comfort in one of your gardens, or an unidentified type slithering through your yard you’ll want to call us.

Below is a picture of a snake we removed outside of a Glastonbury home.

There are many different types of snakes that call Connecticut home:

  • Copperhead

  • Timber Rattlsnake

  • Black Racer

  • Dekay’s brownsnake

  • Eastern ratsnake

  • Garter snake

And much more…

We highly recommend that you do not engaged these reptiles yourself. Leave it to us! We have tons of experience dealing with snakes around the Connecticut area. We know how to safely trap, remove, and prevent them from your home. If you think you see a snake give us a call!



Fisher Cat in Hartford

Fisher Cats. These guys are not pleasant. Outside of their natural wild and aggressive nature, their screeches can be heard from anywhere. It is truly a terrible noise and near impossible to miss.

Fisher cats can cause harm to small dogs and cats that you let go in the yard. Fisher cats are pretty common in the Hartford and Tolland counties.

If you see (or more likely hear) one of these critters roaming around your residence or place of business give the experts a call.

We specialize in the humane trapping, removal, and prevention of animals across northern and central Connecticut. Call today!


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Fisher Arch St. Hartford 7-08.JPG

Raccoon Removal

Finders…. hopefully not keepers! Especially if you call the pros. Raccoons love finding little areas to enter and hang out in your home or business. This guy is peaking up from under the floorboards in an attic.

A lot of the times you can’t see these animals but you can hear them creeping around in your walls. That is where we come in. If you see damage, hear scratching, or catch quick glimpses of these animals in or around your home give us a call today.

We specialize in the trapping, removal, and prevention of all different types of wildlife/animals.



Grey Squirrel Damage

Squirrels are a popular New England animal that can often times cause damage in or around your home. Whether it be wood, window sills, or wiring they can cause unsightly and harmful damage to all areas.

If you’re tired of dealing with those situations or want to learn more about how you can prevent those things from happening give us a call. We specialize in all sorts of different animal removals. We use years of experience and learning different types of tactics to be the most effective in our industry.

Pictured here is some damage to wiring done by local grey squirrels. If you are noticing damage around your home or know someone who does, give us a call today!



Skunk Mating Season!

A big time PSA coming your way from the Wildlife Control Services Team:

It is officially mating season for skunks in the Connecticut area.

“Okay, how does that effect me? I’m not single and I’m not a skunk?”

True. But this does make them much more territorial, which means more spraying. If you see one of these furry little critters wandering on or near your property let the pros handle it. The last thing you need is you person, your clothes, your house, or your pets smelling like skunk.

If you or someone you know has a skunk problem, send them our way. We have plenty of experience trapping and removing this particularly smelly type of animal.

Give us a call today!


Deck Exclusion

Here you can see we did a deck exclusion in West Hartford, Connecticut.

We implemented some wire fencing that goes into the ground to prevent animals from burrowing under the deck. Being able to find, catch, and safely remove animals from your home is good, but preventing them all together is what we really strive for.

Taking preventative measures to keep wildlife out of your home is an integral part of our business and how we help many people across Central Connecticut.

Flying Squirrels - Southington, CT

One of the more ‘famous’ of the wildlife animals we run into is the flying squirrels. Often times pictured in movies, shows, and books because of their miraculous leaping ability.

What is less miraculous is their ability to get into your home and create distruction. They will find ways into your walls, attics, and other barely-accessible areas.

If you’re hearing noises and looking into trapping, removal, prevention of squirrels give us a call!

