Wildlife Prevention Service

At Wildlife Control Services, LLC we are always interested in preventing wildlife problems before they start; prevention is always the best course of action. Chimney caps, underground fencing, roof vent covers and a number of other techniques can prevent wildlife from entering homes or burrowing under structures, thus removing the necessity to capture animals in the first place.

Wildlife Control Services, LLC can prevent problems before they start. We specialize in products, consultation, and services to stop wildlife from entering your home or business.

In this age of enormous expansion, humans and wildlife are continuously forced into conflicting situations. Living in harmony with wildlife, especially in an urban environment can become difficult. Each of us can do our part to help wildlife live and survive by the elimination of attractive opportunities where animals will seek the path of least resistance. The attic of a warm home is far superior to life in the wild.

Preventing animals from accessing your building or home then becomes a major contribution to the welfare of wildlife which may otherwise seek an environment that places them unwittingly in conflict with humans.

Almost every conflicting situation where animal damage leads to animal removal could be prevented. Whether it's the raccoon in the chimney or attic, the squirrel loose in the basement, or an animal in your living space, there are steps you can take to minimize the chances of it happening to you. Open uncapped chimneys are an invitation for animals to enter through a furnace exhaust. Tree branches overhanging the roof-line give squirrels and raccoons easy access to the building. The majority of wildlife control dollars spent each year are a direct result of human decisions neglecting the preventative actions that would keep wildlife in the wild and dollars in the bank.

Anyone who seeks to protect their property from wildlife encroachment provides a fundamentally sound investment. That investment not only protects the animal world by keeping them in their natural habitats but it protects the property owner from costly removal and repair expenditures.